The Yoho Traverse

3/22 to 3/25/2016 – Being that we live so close to the border, Grete and I had a major Canadian itch to scratch this last ski season.  We wanted to get our feet wet with Canadian ski traversing and hoped to get to see some gigantic glaciers too!  Thankfully, we had friends (Anthony and Becca) who were en-route to Alaska and could shoe-horn in a little classic Canadian hut skiing to their drive.

We rallied up to Canada, met up with Anthony and Becca, packed up a whole bunch of food and headed out for the Peyto Hut for our first night.  From there, we wandered through a whiteout, crossing a couple of massive glaciers, to the freshly built Louise and Richard Guy Hut.  Then we skied off of the icefield to the legendary and historic Stanley Mitchell Hut for a couple of final nights.

It was a lovely trip that tested our orienteering skills and opened our eyes to the Canadian scale of things (quite large)!  We cannot wait to head back up for another traverse – if not many more – in the next few years!  A special thanks goes out to Don at RMO for helping piece together the huts/route with his astounding background knowledge and experiences in the Canadian Rockies!

And on to some visual storytelling…

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